Wednesday, November 8, 2023

 Shepastor: “More Than a Cover-Up…”

17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:[a] The old has gone, the new is here! NIV

17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. KJV

It’s probably been over a year, or so, since I have written my Shepastor Blog. It has been a season of abundance in terms of ministry opportunities, education, civil engagement, and LIFE – TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!

Today, however, I was especially inspired to share this message. May it be a blessing somehow…

This morning as I looked out of the window, facing the back of houses on the next street over, I noticed men on very tall ladders, chipping away at old paint, in preparation, it appeared to repaint the house. While that may not sound unusual, the house is HUGE! The tools they were using did not look in anyway elaborate. They were using small tools and little by little, chipping away at the old paint. 

I said to myself, “My goodness, that’s A LOT OF WORK!!!” As I watched them 
diligently working, I marveled at their persistence. Watching them, I also thought about a commercial that has been playing, featuring a “bathroom makeover” service. Usually, they just show workers placing a tub cover over an old tub and then they show the beautiful new paneling.

In the commercial yesterday, however, they showed a bit more. They featured portions of the old paneling that was dirty, moldy, deteriorating, and quite disgusting! They showed how the service workers carefully removed the damaged areas, cleaned it out and then prepared the bath area for the “new makeover.”

Considering all of these things, I was inspired, moved, and drawn to the verse,

17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:[a] The old has gone, the new is here! NIV

When we receive Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, Jesus does so much more than simply a “cover-up.” He makes us “new!” Yes, we still have areas in our lives where things get messy, proverbial dirt and mold may creep in, but his blood continues, through faith to wash us clean. We are in the “perfecting process.” Through Christ, the “old” no longer has dominion over us. The decay, stench, and sting of death is no longer our destiny. Jesus “covers us” and makes us new.

Just as those men worked diligently, patiently, to chip away at the old paint on that big house, the love of God, the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and the precious Holy Spirit, diligently, patiently works with us – shaping us, molding us, teaching us, guiding us, preparing us, “COVERING US,” as we learn more and more how to walk in the newness of life! Our transformation is a process. 

Today, I encourage you – lift up your head. You are NEW. Walk by faith and stop dwelling on the past – YOU ARE NEW. Allow the Lord to complete the work in you that was begun the day you said, “YES,” to Jesus Christ. TRUST in the strength, authority, and POWER of the blood of the lamb in YOUR LIFE. It will take time. It will take patience. It will take work. But keep walking forward. YOU ARE NEW!!!

Through Christ, God is doing more than a cover-up in you. Through Christ, YOU ARE NEW!!! WALK, therefore, in the newness of your life! Remember, even “new things” need tweaking!

I invite you to visit the church that I serve. Learn more at

In Faith, Hope, and Perseverance,

Pastor Chris 

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