Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Shepastor: Beyond the Yellow Brick Road…

7 He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. Revelations 21: 7, KJV

“Lions and tigers and bears, OH MY!!!” That was the refrain chanted by Dorothy and her friends as they traveled along the famous (or infamous) yellow brick road in the 1939 movie, “The Wizard of Oz.” Having been caught up in a tornado, bumping her head and falling into a deep sleep, Dorothy awakens in the magical land of Oz. However, the beauty and enchantment of the land does not phase her. All she really wants is to get home.

You have to watch the movie for the rest of that story…Today I’d like to focus upon the proverbial “yellow brick roads” that we find ourselves on, trying to “get home,” or just trying to get somewhere in this life! The journey can be scary tiresome and tedious. Along the way we meet people who are insecure, arrogant (but inwardly cowards) and rusty. However, they too are in search of something, wondering if they will ever have what they long for.

We also encounter “lions and tigers and bears.” Sometimes in the form of adversaries, sometimes in the form of obstacles and sometimes in the form of our own internal struggles. But along the way, God places markers, encouragers, glimmers of hope, sparks of light, help from above that pushes us onward. We just have to remain on the path – not a yellow brick road, but the path of faith, the path of endurance, the path of righteousness, the path of hope, the path of Love, the path of Jesus Christ.

God will give us overcoming power if we will put our faith, hope and trust in Him. Stand upon His Word. Build yourself up on your most holy faith! Don’t allow the ugliness of others to deter you. God will lead you on the straight and narrow path. Through Christ, you will make it home!

Enjoy this song,
“He that Overcometh Shall Inherit All Things…” By the Gospel Music Workshop of America

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Until next Wednesday,
In Faith, Hope and Perseverance,
Pastor Chris

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