Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Shepastor: "Supporting Healthy Minds, Bodies and Spirits..."

"for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body." I Corinthians 6:20, NLT

We are mind, body and spirit. God's Word teaches us that we are precious, fearfully and wonderfully made. In order to be whole, we must attend to every aspect of our being. In an effort to encourage God's people to view themselves and their well-being from a holistic perspective, our congregation (Covenant Baptist Church, ) in collaboration with several other churches in our area and staff from the Cleveland Clinic are in the midst of a free three day event, "Healthy Temples: Supporting Healthy Minds, Bodies and Spirits."

Over this three day period, we will cover the topics of depression, healthy eating patterns and our overall health, balancing emotions, stress and self-care. Participants will also have the opportunity to have free blood pressure checks by nurses from the Cleveland Clinic. During our first night's presentation on depression, the class became so engaged, sharing their own experiences and the experiences of loved ones regarding this painful reality, that it became abundantly clear that a follow-up workshop is needed. Plans are underway to make that happen!

The classes are not only for adults, but for children. Children are engaged in biblically based discussions and crafts related to the same topics as the adults. Healthy snacks instead of the usual hot dogs and hamburgers are being served.

We are praying that all who attend will receive education and inspiration for a healthier life.

No matter the size of your congregation, God can and will use all who commit their efforts to making a difference for God's Kingdom here on earth.

May our prayerful efforts inspire many, in the name of Jesus!

Post a comment or send me an email at

Until next Wednesday,
In Faith, Hope and Perseverance,
Pastor Chris

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