Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Shepastor: “God Still Has Work For You…”

Psalms 92:14

"They will still yield fruit in old age; They shall be full of sap and very green”

Recently, I had the privilege of spending several days with a group of about 1,000 energetic, curious, spirit filled “older adults.” I was invited to preach, conduct a workshop and have a book signing. What a blessing to watch older adults come together for their own conference...still engaging in social justice issues, praising God, laughing, singing and discerning what is next on God's agenda for them! I applaud the Church of the Brethren for this concept, the "National Older Adult Conference."

So often as people age, society pushes them to the outskirts. Many find themselves isolated, forgotten or invisible. Sometimes, people will place themselves in those categories, believing that they’ve done all that they can do and now its time to just wait until the Lord calls them “from labor to reward.”

But that concept is not scriptural. From Abraham, Moses, Aaron, Miriam and Caleb, to Elizabeth, Simeon, Anna, Nicodemas and others, the Lord clearly has a role for older people in the plan of the Kingdom here on earth. Rather than just waiting to die, God would have us use all of our days to bring glory and honor to His name. Clearly, we have seasons in our lives, changes in our physiological capabilities, changes in our pattern of thinking and processing, changes in our financial realities…but God still wants to use what we have and who we are.

The Church must resist the model of “putting people out to pasture,” and instead embrace the wisdom, stories, giftedness, vision and benefits God gives us through the aged. Psalm 92:14 declares,

“They will still yield fruit in old age; They shall be full of sap and very green.”

May our aged recognize that God still has “fruit” for them to yield. May we gladly and with anticipation receive the fruit that God chooses to give us through them!

Post a comment or send me an email at

Until next Wednesday,
In Faith, Hope and Perseverance,
Pastor Chris

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting this. This really hits home for me. I am venturing into my areas of giftedness at age 59. I feel foolish and excited at the same time, fighting the doubt and following God's leading.
