Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Shepastor: "Blessings in Unexpected Packages..."

So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father's one and only Son. John 1:14, New Living Translation

Who knew that the baby born to a poor, young, teenage girl and her fiancĂ©e (an “average Joe”) would be “the Word made flesh dwelling among us!” God has a way of surprising us. God frequently sends us blessings in unexpected packages. So often we miss what God is sending because we are looking for the wrong thing. When Jesus presents himself to us through His Word, or through a stranger, or through a child, or through someone we prefer to avoid or through someone needing our help, what is our response?

Sometimes God sends our blessings wrapped in the disheveled and wrinkled papers of struggle and periods of silence. Sometimes God sends our blessings during times of waiting and uncertainty. Blessings and divine favor don't always look like we think. The people of God must remember that the appearance of God's favor and that of the world's are two different things.

That which the Lord smiles upon is frequently despised and rejected by the world.

What blessings are we missing because we overlook God’s packaging? As we prepare for the “Coming of the Christ,” not as a baby wrapped in rags, but a risen Savior, let us take time to hear, see and respond – attentive to the Holy Spirit’s utterances.

May you and yours have a peace-filled, joy-filled, faith-filled, Holy Spirit-filled Christmas and New Year.

In faith, hope and love,
Pastor Chris

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