Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Shepastor: “The Holy Spirit Transcends issues of Gender, Religion, Race and Culture…”

28There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus Galatians 3:28

This past week I was privileged to be one of seven women invited to participate in a beautiful Lenten service, “The Seven Last Words of Jesus: The Women Who followed Their Lord to the Cross.” It was a new experience for all of us. I’d never been to an “Anglican” service. Many of them had never been to or participated in a “Seven Last Words” service! The seven women were from diverse backgrounds, religions and races. Convened by Rev. Beverly Scipio, an Anglican Deacon serving at St. Luke’s Ministries, in Copley, Ohio, the experience was rich with praise, worship, songs, preaching, liturgy and Holy Communion.

Each woman poured out of her own heart expressions of awe, wonderment, thanksgiving and praise for what our Lord Jesus did for us thousands of years ago. Some used drama as a means of conveying Christ’s sacrifice. Some “preached” in the traditional sense of the term. Others sang and shared meditations reflecting upon the same. We stood shoulder to shoulder and sang, The Power of the Cross. The musicians were anointed, playing melodious hymns, giving a rendition of The Old Rugged Cross played in a minor key to help to draw us closer to the scene at the foot of Calvary.

Basking in the glow and beauty of that experience, I was reminded in a special way that God’s Holy Spirit transcends gender, religion, race and culture. The fact that we are women, the color of our skin, our racial nor our cultural differences hindered the “power of the cross” on that night! The Holy Spirit’s presence was boldly evident. Hands raised, communion shared, songs vibrant and resounding – God was in the midst.
“Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven…!”

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Until next Wednesday,
In Faith, Hope and Perseverance,
Pastor Chris

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