Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Shepastor: “Happy New Year – Time for a New Thing!”

Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.
Isaiah 43:19, KJV

The New Year is always a good time to re-evaluate our ways. While we are admonished to make a practice of turning the search light inward, there is something about the New Year that reminds us of the frailty of this life.
With each passing year we are reminded that life is precious. It is a vapor. It moves quickly. Choices are critical.

Therefore, let us do the following:

Resolve to let “it” go - What is your “it?” Anger? Resentment? Looking for an apology? Wanting to change someone? This “it” is diminishing your life purpose, peace and power. Remember that there are seasons of reaping and sowing, that no good thing will the Lord withhold from the upright, fret not thyself because of evil doers… Release it to the Lord. Ask Him to show you how…

Be open to the “new” sent from God – Old ways, old thoughts, old patterns, old ways of measuring things… Open up to the new things that that God wants to release in your life… New friendships, new opportunities…new ways of thinking…new patterns of behavior…

Value your place in the process… Realize that your journey is not all about you. Remember, you may be the “ground breaker, the planter or the waterer.” God alone gives the increase. Ask the Lord to help you to value your role in the process and not allow the opinion of others to cause you to undervalue, forsake or go “awol” on your assignment before the Lord says it is finished…

Choose Joy – Joy is not a perpetual smile on your face. Joy is not tied to circumstances (that’s “happiness,” tied to “what’s happening”). Joy is the assurance that The Lord is with us. The Lord won’t fail us. The Lord will sustain us. The Lord will make all things work together for our good. The Lord will provide. Therefore, “the joy of the Lord is our strength.” You must be intentional about keeping joy in your heart. Be intentional about seeking the Lord’s face daily. Go beyond pre-packaged devotionals and crack open the Bible for yourself! Meditate upon God’s Word. Pray for true friends that will listen, “hear” and pray with you. Don’t ignore your pain, process through it. Let the Lord be the lifter of your head.

Allow the Lord to do His “new thing” in your life in 2014!
Happy New Year!

Post a comment or send me an email at

Until next Wednesday,
In Faith, Hope and Perseverance,
Pastor Chris


  1. Think you for the reminder that "joy" is fruit of the Spirit, entirely different from happiness, which (using your words) is tied to "what's happening." '
