Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Shepastor: “Empowering and Encouraging Women in Ministry - Sharing Our Insights With One Another”

Dear Shepastor Friends, this weekend, WTIM - Women Together in Ministry of Greater Cleveland will host the “Empowering and Encouraging Women in Ministry” Conference.” Oh how excited and blessed we are to have this opportunity to fellowship, pray, sing, dialogue, listen, praise and celebrate together as women in ministry!

For those who are not able to attend, excerpts from the conference will be shared over the course of the next few weeks. Today, Shepastor shares the questions that will serve as the basis for our panel discussion which bares the same title as the conference.

Read the questions and prayerfully consider sharing your responses with our Shepastor audience. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

See questions below…

“Empowering and Encouraging Women in Ministry”

-Through your own observation and experiences, what factors influence how women relate to one another?

-How have historical, societal and theological influences both positively and negatively impacted women’s relationships?

-Frequently, men are blamed for oppressing and hindering women’s progress. Many women, however, have experienced oppression, hindering and lack of support from other women. What can clergywomen and clergymen do to honestly, openly and sincerely address this issue?

-What can and should the Church do to help women build and nurture healthy relationships amongst women?

I look forward to receiving your wisdom filled, prayerful responses! Your insights can help us as women to overcome many of the things that keep us from loving, encouraging, supporting and empowering each other. Let's share so that we can turn our attention away from unhealthy patterns of behavior and be used to bless and heal others.

Post your responses or send them to me by email at

Until Next Wednesday,
In Faith, Hope and Perseverance,
Pastor Chris

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