Wednesday, December 15, 2010

"Resources to Encourage and Equip Clergywomen"

A great source of encouragement, I have found, is to know that we are not walking this journey alone. We have faith that the Lord walks with us and we praise God also for providing “sisters” to come along side us. Sometimes the fellowship and sisterhood of clergywomen is not tangible, but spiritual. We find strength through hearing, sharing and observing each other “fight the good fight of faith.” Today we continue to share websites, articles, and other resources for women in ministry.

Be blessed…

Center for Clergy Women

This site is especially designed for women who are considering, pursuing, or serving as professional Christian clergy. Here you will find resources and connections that will assist you in hearing God’s leading and growing your ministry for Him.

Click on the link below for more information

The excerpt below comes from an older magazine, Circuit Rider Magazine (May/June 2006)

"It's a Girl's Job After All!” by Judith E. Smith

When I was four years old, so my mother says, and we were visiting my grandparents, I announced one Sunday afternoon that we were going to have church and I was going to preach. I marched my grandparents, my parents, and my two-year-old sister into the bedroom and seated them in a line at the foot of my grandmother’s bed. I stood on a stool in front of them, opened the Bible, and said “Great American people!” No one remembers anything else about that first sermon of mine, but they all remember that my squirming sister managed to crawl over the side and under the bed, escaping from the room.

That was in 1948, and it did not occur to anyone in that room to think that I might actually grow up to be a preacher. And yet, as this issue of Circuit Rider comes off the press, I will be celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of my first ordination.


On that same site, you’ll find the following article excerpt…

The book Courageous Past–Bold Future chronicles the historic journey of the first women to receive full clergy rights in The Methodist Church and looks at challenges still facing clergywomen 50 years later.

“The stories of the women in these pages carry hope for the younger generation of United Methodist women. They are living narratives that bear the pain and joy of ministry that represents the paradox of Christ’s call,” said the Rev. HiRho Park, director of Continuing Formation for Ministry at The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, which published the book by Patricia J. Thompson.

Visit the site above to see a list of other articles and website links

Online Resources and Bibliography for Women in Ministry

Check out articles such as:
A Woman's Place? Leadership in the Church (C. S. Cowles)

An online version of a book from Beacon Hill Press presenting the biblical and historical case for women in ministry. Dr. Cowles is a professor at Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego, CA.

Women in Ministry (Phyllis H. Perkins)

An Examination of the issue of women in ministry from a sociological perspective, focusing on the God-given and enabled skills and gifts that women bring to leadership roles in the church, and what that means for clergy preparation in the church. Dr. Perkins is a professor at Nazarene Bible College, Colorado Springs CO. Available only in Adobe .pdf format.
From Rhetoric to Reality (Janine T. Metcalf)

"From Rhetoric to Reality: Putting into Practice Our Century-Old Polity of Gender Partnership in Ministry." Brief survey of the history of women ministers in the Church of the Nazarene with consideration of why women ministers have declined. Dr. Metcalf is pastor of the El Cajon Church of the Nazarene in CA. Available only in Adobe .pdf format.

Go to the site below to review additional articles, books and website links for female clergy.

Book: Clergy Moms: A Survival Guide to Balancing Family and Congregation , by Allison Moore (Seabury Books, New York, NY, 2008).

The author, Allison M. Moore, an Episcopal Priest in Fort Lee, New Jersey, provides a descriptive and analytical book which draws on the research of Barbara Zikmund and others about the life of the clergy family. “She weaves experiences of faithfulness to God and analysis of the social structures that shape commitments into one understanding of vocation.” She utilizes the voices of women, men, clergy, laity and children. She challenges assumptions, while offering insight to female clergy.

Are these resources helpful? Do you have others to share? Post a comment or send me an email at

Until next Wednesday,
In faith, hope and perseverance,
Pastor Chris

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