Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Shepastor: "The Sacred Privilege and Responsibility of Voting..."

1He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy. 2When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn. Proverbs 29: 1-2

In the coming months, America will elect the next President of the United States, along with a host of local, county and state representatives, senators, governors, and judges. Currently, people across our Nation are voting in primaries, listening to “colorful” debates, arguing back at commentators and throwing shoes and other items at the television screen out of shear anger and disgust!!!

Politics in America have run the gamut. At stake are issues of national and international security, the economy, equal rights, jobs, health care and our environment, to name a few. Some, unfortunately, have taken the position that the people of God should “pray and trust God for the outcome.” The Scriptures, however, admonish us to be actively involved in “doing justly, loving mercy and walking humbly with God.”

We have a sacred responsibility to speak truth to power, and to do all that we can to ensure that righteous rule prevails. Certainly, “the effectual, fervent prayer of the righteous avails much,” but “faith without works is dead!” Those who suggest that God’s people should not be involved in the political process are ignoring major facts. They are ignoring the fact that they are beneficiaries of the blood, sweat and tears of those who broke down barriers for our rights, through voting.

If God’s people were not involved in protest and voting, African Americans would still be slaves in America. If God’s people were not involved in protest and voting, we would still have children working in the fields instead of going to school in America. If God’s people were not involved in protest and voting, we would still have lynchings, Jim Crow Laws and legalized brutality. Without protest and voting, women’s rights would still be denied in America.

Finally if God’s people don’t vote, what will be the alternative? We will be left to mourn. While we know that “this world is not our home,” and that “The Lord holds all power in His hands,” but God has given us the privilege and the responsibility to influence righteousness in the land, while we are still here. Don’t sleep on this… pray for wisdom and guidance, pray for healing in our land, pray for our elected officials, pray that righteousness will prevail, pray, pray, pray and then, GET OUT AND VOTE!!!

Post a comment or send me an email at

Until next Wednesday,

In Faith, Hope and Perseverance,
Pastor Chris

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